The Simple and Smart SEO Show

Build Your SEO Content Strategy W/ Speaking Coach Laurie-Ann Murabito

• Crystal Waddell, Brittany Herzberg, Laurie-Ann Murabito • Season 1 • Episode 24

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What's in our 24th Episode with Public Speaking Expert and Coach Laurie-Ann Murabito?

1. SEO is important for everyone, not just big companies.

  • Get permission to reuse content by getting testimonials from those you speak with or for, which also helps with SEO strategy.
  • Repurposing speaking content into blog posts or audio/visual content builds SEO on your website.

2. Public speaking is so much more than stages and Zoom calls.

  • Laurie described three types of speakers: motivating, professor,  and marketer.
  • The opening of a presentation needs to grab people's attention and give them a reason to put their phones down.
  • The "meat of your presentation" should be three tips or ideas, supported by data and stories.

3. On-page SEO and off-page SEO are powerful way to build reputation management and saturate the search engine results page with your authority.

  • OFF-PAGE: Speaking engagements are a great way to get your name out there, and transcripts of those speeches can be repurposed into written content or videos.
  • ON PAGE: Having a blog or podcast on your website helps you show up in different formats on the search engine results page, 
  • OFF-PAGE: Link back to images and videos of yourself from speaking engagements.
  • ON-PAGE: You can keep visitors on your website longer by embedding YouTube videos of your podcasts rather than sending them off-site.

5. Connect with Laurie-Ann:

Connect w/ B: YouTube, Website, LinkedIn,

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So, just to keep that name going because that's what you want people to constantly be looking up:  I heard about this woman Crystal.

They look you up and  Oh my God.  Look at all this amazing information that's all over the place and not just her website. 

Hello and welcome to the Simple and Smart SEO show. 

Where we provide tips and advice to improve your website's search engine ranking.

I'm Brittany Herzberg, SEO copywriter for Holistic Health and Wellness Pros who want to show up as the answer to a Googled question. 

And I'm Crystal Waddell, an e-commerce seller and content creator. 

I help business owners communicate the value of their products and services through content so you can make more sales and grow your business. 

We are business besties who love learning and sharing what we've learned.

So what are we waiting for? Let's jump in. 

Welcome back to the Simple and Smart SEO show. 

And today we have yet another one of my friends, Laurie Ann, who is a speaker, coach, and I'm probably gonna mess up anything else. 

So before I do that, Laurie Ann, tell us who you are and how you help people and why you're here.

Oh, thank you. Thank you. I'm excited to be here. 

So, I'm a reformed painfully shy girl who accidentally became a professional speaker and after years of spending time on stage speaking in leadership and corporate engagement, I now help coaches and consultants use speaking as their best form of marketing because it positions you as the expert, attracts the right clients and lets you monetize your expertise.

Before we get too far, I keep saying that, it's fine. 

That's my pet phrase for today. 

I love asking people how they define SEO or what you think of when it comes to SEO. 

And I think this is really cool, especially coming from someone who's not necessarily like what we think of as an SEO expert, because we all have a variety of thoughts around it.

So, how would you respond to that? 

Well, let's see. 

It's a little unfair because I have had you, Brittany, on my podcast where we did talk about this, but I will answer that question with the,”before you sort of educated me” and I consider SEO to be something for bigger people, bigger companies, right?  

I kind of think of it like that.

Yeah. That is kind of how I look at it. I'm just,  Oh, well it's just little old me.  

I should just create content, I should focus on other things besides SEO, but as a result of you educating me and working together, I now know that I need to be leveraging SEO also.


I think it's maybe arguably even more important for the quote unquote little guys.

Yeah. Cause we need to be found. All right. 

I've done a lot of talking. Crystal, join us. 

Well, okay, so Laurie-Ann, Be has been on your podcast, but what's your podcast? 

What's it called? Do you wanna give it a shout out so people can check you out there? 

Yeah, thank you. It is called “Be in Demand” with Laurie-Ann.

Everything that I do is about being in demand because I just feel like we don't want somebody to say, Hey, I gotta find somebody who can help me with my SEO. 

It's  no, that you need to call Brittany because she's a copywriting SEO.   

Crystal helps people with SEO.

You want people to call you out. 

So that's why it's actually called “Be in Demand.” 


So I'm totally into people's stories. 

I wanna know all the things! How do you get speaking jobs? 

That's what I wanna know. I can't lie. Like that's all I'm thinking about right now. 

She's over there with a pencil and paper!

Right, what do I need to do? How did you get into it? 

It was by pure accident because like I said, I'm a reform painfully shy girl who couldn't even make eye contact with people.

And people find that so surprising. 

I left my corporate job because I kind of fell into coaching and thought, Oh yay, this is what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna leave my corporate job. 

And  thought, if you build it, they will come. Right? 

Yeah, no! 

With SEO! 

No, I'm just kidding. 

I left my corporate job with no business plan and no sales experience whatsoever. 

And me and three other women were putting together an event, a networking event because women just networked differently.

So we were really catering it towards other women, but we need education plus networking.

We had a standing room only. Yeah. 

And when we were planning, they all looked at me and said, you do the speaking. 

Because I had done some speaking in corporate, it was a little uncomfortable though. 

And I just, I shook my head. Yes. 

While I was thinking to myself, What are you doing? You don't do speaking. 

But self integrity is one of my highest values. And because I said that I would do this, I did it. Oh my gosh. 

And I wasn't very good. It literally…

So there are three types of speakers.

There's the motivational, inspiring story, You can do it if I can do it and people feel good.

Then there's the college professor, who is the person who just dishes out tons and tons of information. 

And then there's what I help people become: the marketer. Where you give people enough information so that the right people raise their hand and say, Yes, I want to know more. 

I was the college professor that day. I just started teaching. There was no intro, there was no explanation about who I was, nothing. 

And this is how I brought it to an end. Cuz there was no close. 

I said to the audience, Okay, now I'm done. It sounds like something I would do: Now I'm done.

I mean, like looking back at it, it's oh so princess-like,  right? 

But I just wanted to get away from the front of the room and I said, If you wanna speak to me and talk to me privately, I'll be in the back of the room. 

And people came up to me saying, So what kind of people do you work with and what's your website?

And I was thinking: Did you not see what brain wreck that just happened? 

But that was how I ended up building up my client base after I left corporate. 

So I Feel like that's so relatable. Sorry.

 But I feel like it's so, so relatable because I remember being in school and you had to give presentations and I was always so uncomfortable giving presentations cuz I flame up red.

Like it looks like I'm being hit with the disease from like the chest up. It's bad. 

So I'm trying not to think about that and remember  oh, I'm giving this talk on So-and-so. 

But I feel like that's so relatable because I think when you're sitting there in the audience, you're picturing yourself in the speaker's position. 

So anyway, it's just really cool to hear that story because I can understand why so many people would be like, I want to learn more from her. 

And thank you, thank you. 

And that was my thought. I’m thinking, you heard, train wreck? 


What did they hear? What brought them to the back of the room to talk to you?


Now that I've spent many years being on stage and in front of people, I do understand and I tell my clients, your audience really wants the best for you. 

They actually feel, there's so many people who are afraid of public speaking that are in the audience, that are  like, oh my God.

How does she do that? I wish I could do that. You know? 

So, I just got better with each presentation. 

That's amazing. 

Yay. You also, yay for leaving Corporate America. 

Crystal also kind of like that, with my gentle kick. 

Well also, just you being you, ended up leaving teaching.

I think when you're talking about that whole professor mindset, that's where I struggle because I'm a knowledge vomiter, you know? 


 I'm - and B was talking about this in one of our last episodes.  

We were talking about getting it out of our brain so someone can help us, but it's, let me teach you and tell you everything I know and then do with it what you will, you know? 

Yeah, go ahead. 

Tell us about why you shouldn't do that. 


First of all, if the audience is overwhelmed because you've given them too much information, they'll do nothing. 

Now I have over 20 years of experience speaking and I'm also a master coach. 

There's no way that I can give all of that information and share all that information in a 60 minute presentation.


You know? 

And the solution is not to talk faster. 

So, I've been doing it wrong all my life. 

That's actually one thing that a few people in my life know that's about me. And every time before I give a presentation, even before podcast interviews, it's  “talk slower.” 

I'm like, do I have to? Okay.

So how do you choose what to prioritize in that 60 minutes? 

Well, I have a process that I teach people, and it's first you have to be able to, your opening needs to grab people's attention. 

You need to give people a reason to put their phones down.

And what I say, lean into listening more. 

Then you go into your authority section, which is, all right, you got my attention, but why should I listen to you? 

And then there's what I call like the meat of your presentation. 

Three tips. 

Three ideas is what you should be sharing in a typical 60 minute to a 55 minute presentation. 

When you get stuffed, when you are asked to speak for like 25 minutes, you're probably only gonna give two particular tips. 

And then you just have supporting data to support that particular tip.  

For example, I might talk about growing organically, growing your email list with quality people. 

And that's what speaking will do. 

So I'll use information and stories to support that particular topic. 

Here's another reason why you wanna use speaking to grow your business:

Because it's organically growing your email list with quality people, not just quantity.

Does that make sense? 

That makes total sense. 

Oh, sorry. 

That's why I raised my hand, I raised my hand and then I started talking anyway. See? 

That's right. Gotta get it together. I just wanted to say I love a good framework, and I love when someone can say, this is how you do it the best way, you know? 

And so I just wanna say thank you because I think just even that nugget, if someone tuned in and and hears that today, that is gonna be so powerful for them and so freeing, because I think we all wanna just, we wanna make sure that we're giving value.

I'm also one of those people that I get nervous about on one hand, I’m sharing too much. 

But then I also feel guilty for some reason withholding information that I know is gonna help people. 

The problem is they may not be ready for that information. So that's kind of where I get stuck.

So this was very helpful and I wanna say thank you because- and there's also a couple of other reasons-we don't wanna overwhelm the audience. 

That's number one. 

A lot of times what I find is that people want to basically explain to the audience, like why they are the expert. 

So if I give, give, give more information, the audience is gonna believe that I'm the expert that they should be hiring. 

When you overwhelm people, they don't do anything. 

They don't hire you, they don't raise their hand and say, I want that opt-in that you're offering. 

I wanna book a call with you. 

Because they're just too overwhelmed that they don't do anything.

And here's the other reason for a really good framework is, and this is the part of the reasons why I use these. 

They're set up in threes. 

And also three is actually a magic number that if a meeting planner comes up to you and says, Brittany, oh my god, the speaker before you went way over time and we have to start lunch at 12, I need you to cut off 15 minutes. 

You're gonna look at your presentation, say, Oh, tip number two that I was giving is approximately 12 minutes long. 

I'm just gonna take that whole thing out. 

And you don't miss a beat. 

You just do your presentation. 

You do tip one, you do tip three, and then you close and you make the meeting planner or whoever's hiring you look like a rockstar.

Yeah, I love that. So there's two things that came to mind. 

One is that for anyone who's thinking of being a podcast guest and even people that we've spoken to about being on the podcast, I've, I just had a conversation about this recently with someone, you can't give them everything. 

You shouldn't want to give them everything. 

It was something that I think I heard Amy Porterfield talk about.

She, I think she was the first one that mentioned this. 

You only need to give them 10% more than what they have because they just need that much to know that you're an expert worth trusting. 

And on that note, I think personally a lot of us make choices on working with someone because we connect with them versus thinking that they're this great expert with all of the knowledge and whatever.

So I think that those are two really important things that you've talked about that I just wanna highlight. 

A hundred percent, completely. 

And once you start speaking, you get to use parts of your speech in other places. 

You asked me to explain who I was and introduce yourself to your audience. 

And I can spew that off quickly because I use it all the time.

It's part of that authority section that I use.  

I just want people to understand that I believe in the past couple of years, that speaking needs to be redefined. 

And speaking is so much more than stages and Zoom these days. 

It's right here, right now, what we're doing. 

Talk to us about that. 

So what are some speaking opportunities or speaking events that most of us just don't even think of? 

Cuz I know I've heard you rattle some off and I've just been,  Wow, I never thought about that. 

Well, there is like a live stream show.

There's creating videos, podcast guesting, and podcast hosting. 

You can be a guest expert on a summit in somebody's high end mastermind in some sort of quarterly event. 

I'm thinking of all the different ones that I've done just recently. 

There's just so many different forms of speaking. 

I mean, if you do a sales call, you have to be able to present who you are and what you do and what you can do for this particular client, in a succinct way. 

And to have that confidence, to be able to communicate with confidence, that's really what this all comes down to. 

That's Good. Okay. 

So one of the reasons why I feel like our show has taken off and found early success is because we've done what you're talking about in a very simple way.

There's no secret here. 

We, in our show notes, we talk about,  we describe what we talked about in the show, you know what I mean? 

That's what SEO is. 

You are using the words that people use to find what you're talking about. 

So I'm thinking about all of these different places that you can speak. 

How do you get permission to reuse that in your own content so that you can then capture those words in a way that then propels your own SEO strategy? 

On your own website versus within someone else's community? 

Getting testimonials is one fabulous way. 

And then by having the testimonial from whomever, then you can link back to their information page, like about their mastermind, about their quarterly summits, different networking events that I've spoken at. 

I mean, a lot of times these pages stay on websites forever because they're under the past events. 

So there's another way the SEO and like your name is just gonna keep showing up again and again and again.

Does that, does that answer your question?  

It does, but then it also points out this, because I was thinking about it more from the perspective of your own website.

But what you're also talking about here is gaining domain authority from the website of the people that you're speaking with or speaking to. 

And that's even more powerful in some ways. 

So there's two different ways that you can capture major SEO optimization here. 

And the first is by bringing it to your website in the form of a testimonial like you just said, and then getting those back links from the organizations that you serve.

And so I think that's really key, very insightful. 

I mean, how cool is it to Google someone's name and it's not just their website that comes up, it's our keynote speaker, this guest expert. 

I've been on all these podcasts. 

I mean, that just starts to build more of your authority.

So I'm a big fan of putting people's names- when I have a guest on my podcast, I tell them, I'm gonna put your name in, in the title because it's good SEO. 

And I even encourage them to put it on your website so that we do all these and I call it in the email this “geeky back link stuff.”

Yeah, totally. 

You're answering the question that I had in my head that I was gonna ask you, which is for something like a podcast or even a speaking event, what do you think it's important for us for business owners, for speakers to make sure that is called out or highlighted in a title in a, I don't even know what to call it….

What do you think is important for us to make sure that other people know when they're highlighting us? 

Really focusing on your name and letting people know, we have a guest speaker, Brittany, I'm not gonna try your last name. 

Gonna say don't do It.

So, just to keep that name going because that's what you want people to constantly be like looking up like I heard about this woman Crystal, and they look you up and oh my God. 

Like look at all this amazing information that's all over the place and not just her website or Instagram. Yeah. There's an amazing tool that SEMRush-

I said it right this time! 

Yes you did. 

I'm proud of myself. I'm loving Semrush. Okay. 

These people made their tool for minds like mine,  they're very comprehensive,  they're all about the content and that type of stuff too. 

And we're gonna have someone from Semrush on the podcast in a couple weeks.

Yes. We're- 

That's Exciting. Yeah, super exciting. 

But what this all comes under the umbrella of is something that Semrush calls reputation management. 

And so, I don't think we've ever really talked about this before, but if there is one first thing that every business owner should do right now, if you've never done it, is Google your business name, whether it's your own name or  an actual like, that's my business name. 

If you would need a wooden sign or letters, Yeah. 

They're really beautiful. 


So, but that's the first thing because there are so many businesses who are not even showing up for their branded keywords for their own name.

And this is like speaking and everything that you're sharing right here is such a powerful way to build that reputation management and really,  just saturate that search engine results page with your authority. 

I just love that. Yes.

 And the more that you speak, the more places that are gonna have your name on their website, the more  like you can actually put like their logos on your website and just link right back to their website. 

I mean it's, this is why I think speaking is the gift that keeps on giving. 

It really does. 

Do you ever, this makes me wonder, do you ever have occasions where you've done a speaking event and then a transcript is put on a website or they maybe just do like a feature article or something like that where they take what you've said and somehow use it in a written form?

I don't know if anybody has transcribed any of my speeches, but what a fabulous idea, right? 

I did recently speak for an organization and monthly they just have guest speakers that come in for their high end clients. 

And I was actually able to get a copy of, because it was done on Zoom, I was actually able to get a copy of that recording.

So you're just giving me ideas that I should just have it transcribed because I'm gonna cut it up into little small videos and use it myself. 

Is that something that you do?  Do you have a blog? 

Is it something you prioritize for yourself? 

I am right now in the process of moving my website from one platform to another. 

And so my intention is to have more of a blog and have my podcast episodes on there as well.

My current website does not have that information just cause of pain in the butt to use. 

It is, I'm excited to see that. Thank you. Yeah. 

Well I wanna encourage you to do that because like we were talking about the search engine search engine results pages have a different way of showing up for different formats or different formats have a different way of showing up in search engine results pages.

So there's videos and Google is now indexing audio. 

Again, that aligns perfectly with what we're talking about today. 

But I guess the point here is,  you have your reputation management of your name, showing up on that search engine results page, but then there's also the images tab. 

So if there are images of you at a speaking event or  we could just go crazy with the possibilities on that one, you can then go to videos with the same element and then by implementing those transcripts on your website, you can then also link to those images and those videos and it just creates this beautiful natural spider web of authority that is just, it's blowing my mind right now because I'm, I'm just thinking, wow.

How many speakers have not done these things? You know? 

And how powerful would that be for their reputation management? 

So. Yes, yes. I'm, I'm all for it.  

So as soon as like my website does get moved over to this new platform, I mean, I even wanna add Pinterest back into this cuz I had a VA who was doing Pinterest and my Facebook Lives and I would suddenly get messages from YouTube saying,

“Hey, this is how many people have recently watched your videos.”

And where is this all coming from?

 And then I realized it was because of her. Oh wow. 

She was using really good SEO over on Pinterest and over on YouTube and just directing people. 

Yeah, it's powerful. 

I got a major takeaway from what we're talking about here and it's just the fact that SEO is natural. 

Yes, yes. 

That actually totally, the light bulb hit me when Laurie and I know each other because we were in the Copy Confidence Society with Marisa Corcoran and where you go in and you really refine your messaging so that you show up and people understand who you are, who you help, how they can refer people to you, all of that stuff. 

And I think it was, it might have been the very first class that I listened to, like this webinar that I listened to of Marissa where she was saying, if the more you talk about things, the more you refine your messaging, really understand who you are, how you help people, that was key.

It just naturally shows up. And that's why my website was working, my massage therapy website was working, even though I hadn't put a strategy in place, it's why this stuff was taking off. \

And I was like, Oh, okay, well how can I help other people do this?

And the more you, the more you are using speaking, you've got all these great opportunities. 

One of the things that, like we were just having this conversation about blogs and I was just thinking, you're right, all the podcasts that I record should be turned into some sort of a blog. 

So this is just, people learn in different ways. 

Some people it's video, some people it's audio and some people like to read. 

And I really think it's about giving people,  sharing your content and sharing your passion and your message in multiple formats so that people are reading it, watching it, listening to it in whatever their preference is. 

Well, and to your point with being a speaker, you, it, it gives you so many, it's like multimedia. 

It gives you so many options. Yes. 

You're brilliant. 

It's really easy to just to, to take a recording. 

Also, I think I, one of my speeches, we download it as a recording and put it as an audio recording, as an upsell when somebody bought my book and  or it was a bonus for something. 

I mean, yeah, there's so many ways to repurpose speaking. Yeah. Wow. 

That answered a question that we didn't even ask, but I wanted to kind of go back to where you were talking about possibly, going back and blogging your podcast and that type of thing. 

And I was hoping I could share a tip that we're testing right now, we're testing and I like to share as we're testing because it could become a thing,  it probably already is a thing and we're just discovering it.

But rather than sending people back to Buzzsprout for the audio of our podcast, we are now also sending it to YouTube. 

And so the great thing about this is because YouTube and Google obviously are connected and owned by Alphabet. So they're all the same company. 

But rather than sending your website visitor outside your realm of authority, you can then embed that YouTube video into your blog as an alternative form of-  


-how people like to consume it or whatever, but it stays within your realm versus sending it one step away from you. 

So I just wanted to share that with you. 

We need to just bring people into our ecosystem and let them have everything right there instead of them having- 


-because we all know that once you go to YouTube, once you send yeah, there's all those really cool looking videos that are off, off on the right hand side And it just keeps playing. 

It suggests something and then it just usually automatically plays it for you. 

So yeah, black hole's really brilliant. It does turn into a black hole really fast.

But the other thing I wanna make sure that I share with people is that there are so many speaking opportunities right under your nose. 

There are so many places that you're probably already going to and those places are looking for speakers. 

Let's talk about that. 


So in 2018, npi, which is meeting planners International, actually came up with a stat that said that on every day there are 7,500 speaking opportunities.

Now I've heard you mention that, that's mind blowing. 

That's now that's, that's really meetings and conferences like now because I believe that speaking needs to be redefined. 

There's so much more that's available and that number, that 7,500 actually is here in the US that comes down to 150 opportunities every single day per state. 

Granted, some have more than others, depending on the time of the year.

Like Alaska in January, chances are not that many. 


So B talks a lot about this program called HARO. 

Did I pronounce that right? 



So, and that is for written content and that type of thing. 

Is there a- 

It's for podcasts too. And I've even seen them pitched, sorry, speaking. What am I trying to say? Like TV interviews, things like that. 

So it's, it's all kinds of opportunities. 


Well, I guess my question though, is there something specific for speaking that's like a whatever I can't pronounce? 

Not HARO. 

Not really. 

Even if you had some sort of Google alert, which I've used and say, like a call for speakers, you're gonna also get a lot of government stuff and they're not necessarily always speaking opportunities. 

It's really just about looking around you, making a list of the different Facebook groups that you're in that bring in speakers. 

What sort of memberships are you in? 

Look at your local chamber networking events, whether they're online. 

Actually, I have a client who started her own meetup where she is teaching people her passion and what she wants, and she's like, that's how she is. 

So she's speaking on meetup, essentially attracting people and that's how she's getting clients. 

So look around you. I just tell, that's what I tell people.

Just write a list of the different places and then approach them and ask them,  hey, I've been a member here for the past three years. I noticed that we have monthly meetings,  we bring in monthly speakers, quarterly speakers. 

What's the process for booking speakers? 

Also, I will say Laurie Ann is fantastic at this about just asking her people, her network. 

Like we did a podcast together. She's like, here's 15 people that you could go connect with. 

Let me know if, let me know if you have any. 

Which I love, like I love, I'm a connector, I love meeting other connectors. 

It's amazing. So it's just,  ask your people, even if there is no apparent in or a very apparent …. 

Oh, they might know someone like this. Just ask. Because you really never know. 

Yeah, I had a goal this year to be on 30 podcasts. 

What are you up to? 

Totally forgot about it. 

Like in the beginning it's like,  oh, okay, I've got like six,  and it's been like going along. 

And then I realized the beginning of October when somebody said that there are 80 more working days for the rest of the year.

And I was like, what were some of those goals? 

And I was like, I don't think I'm anywhere. And I think I was maybe 15. 

So I just started reaching out to people and anybody who was on my podcast, any guests that I had, I just started asking people, who can you introduce me to? 

And I'm not shy about asking now. Hey, I've got this goal if you'd like to help me. 

I got lots of people who just reached out and said, Oh, here's somebody who we can introduce you to. 

Now there's lots of lists about podcasts, but not necessarily speaking. 

To answer your question Crystal, it is really about finding an organization and there's over 200,000 professional trade and associations that are here in this country alone. 

So, these people have meetings all the time for their members. 

They're looking for speakers. 

So you reaching out and  being courageous enough to make the ask, you're doing them a favor! 

They're looking, yes. That's another great reason. 

They should be thinking of SEO and like we've been talking about, they might naturally have the SEO worked into their website to their calls for speakers or where they're sharing about their mastermind summits or things like that. 


I know you had something you wanted to share, Crystal.

Oh well yeah. 

I wanted to say someone reached out on LinkedIn just yesterday to ask me to come on some sort of LinkedIn series that he's doing as a guest subject matter expert. 

So I thought, wow,  that falls under this other speaking that you're talking about. 


And so I'm just, I'm kind of wondering too, do you leverage LinkedIn at all or is there something there with LinkedIn and speaking? 

I am, I would say in the past six months I've been hanging out on LinkedIn a little bit more. 

I was a guest on somebody's livestream show and he had just lost his co-host at the end of the show. 

Basically,  he asked me, he was like, Well, what are you doing next week? 

And I said, Showing up here. 

And I literally became a co-host on a show that I was just a guest on. 

So I'm the guest, I'm the guest that never left. 

And there, this show is basically, it starts on LinkedIn, but then it is, it's also re streamed over on YouTube, my Facebook group, excuse me, my Facebook page, all these other different places. 

And, but it does start on LinkedIn. Have you seen that grow your connections and followers? 

My analytics over on LinkedIn, yes, definitely has, has gone up. 

Crystal, we need to go on LinkedIn. Yes. 

Yeah, we totally should. Yeah. We better. 

They go on recording. 

Yeah, you definitely could be recording this over on LinkedIn, right? 

Cause I have, I know I have a creator account which lets us do lives. 

I don't know if you do, but we gotta ask my, my client and friend. 

I have a girl Selena, who knows all things LinkedIn. 

Yeah, I need to ask her. 



Look, we got the expert in the room. 

You know what I wanna know? 

I wanna know how you get PAID and I wanna know how you price yourself as a new speaker. 

If you're like, Hey, I wanna do this, what do you do? 

So first off, not every opportunity is paid, but you never speak for free. 

You can speak for no fee. 

There's a difference. 

No fee means there's always an exchange of value. 


Like you get people's a list of the email lists that are there. 

You get to pitch your services. 

You get to sell your products in the back of the room. 

There's always some sort of exchange of value, testimonials, videos, you name it. 

So that's one thing. 

So how do you get paid as a speaker? 

Here's the magic question. What's your budget for speakers? 

Every organization's different. 

So the typical person that I'm working with is not going to be like a professional speaker where a professional speaker, it's like the bottom line budget-well, not budget, but price range, is usually $4,500 to get me to cross the country. 

Come and speak at your organization and then it goes up from there. 

So if somebody doesn't have $4,500,  then there's other ways to negotiate. 

Like maybe they would book you for somebody else, like another event that year. 

I've got two books that I can sell.

So the organization can actually, they've got a budget for speakers, but they also have a gift budget. 

So one organization that I'm thinking of in particular, they didn't have my speaker fee, however they were able to meet it because they were buying my book from me, which is self-published. 

And I have my own publisher and the books were all shipped there.

So from the profits that I made from the book,  they met my speaker fee. 

And so there's lots of different creative ways, but most importantly, you gotta be outstanding on the stage. 

And when I say stage,  in person or virtual, you just have to be outstanding. 

You need to separate yourself and not look like a novice speaker both on your website and when you're actually speaking.

Okay. I have a question. It made me think of a question. Yes. 

What do you do? Cuz I've run into this and I feel like everybody does.

 What do you do if you're on a podcast or you're on a live show and you're not really jiving with the one that's leading the interview. 

Is there a way to, as a speaker, to take back the power or like lead the conversation in a good way? 

Do you know what I mean? 

Do you know what I'm kinda getting at? 

I do, I do. 

And sometimes what you need to do as the speaker, maybe you just need to, what we call it, it's about frame control is what they call it.

So if you're on a podcast interview, you might need to just like move your body in a way, like not just like I'm shifting my body weight from one side to the other, but maybe I just actually like get up,  so that the other person that I'm not jiving with or the host is just like, what are they doing?  

It stops them from … like, suddenly they're thinking if you're at an in-person event and you just feel like I've lost control of the audience or I can see like they're not interested, then maybe what you do is you walk around the room, you go to the back of the room and and continue speaking because now your audience has to turn around like they're changing their body because it's like, what are they doing back there? 

I suddenly become curious and now I'm more interested in what the speaker is saying and doing again. 

Does that help? 

That Is so Interesting. It's simple. 

Like a lot of what I teach my clients is all about neuroscience. 

I mean as much as technology changes, our brains are the same. Yeah. Well and that's like even with copywriting,

I deal a lot with psychology. It's interesting. 

And I know Crystal has her own stuff from teaching that she's dived into, I don't know if that's a word, but it's gonna be a word right now. 

Yeah, well as you were thinking about that,  that used to be one of my strategies and I loved teaching middle school kids.

Everybody that I talked to said, Oh I taught middle school,  I'm  like, no I loved it because I could make a joke.  

I could just make a joke and that would help them calm down or whatever. 

And what middle school kids, just like all of us, don't want the world to know is that we are completely obsessed with what other people are thinking about us at all times.

Even though nobody's thinking about you because they're obsessed about what you're thinking about them. 

So it's just like, whatever. But they also don't like to be called out in front of their peers. 

They don't really stand out in that negative way and instead of trying to get into confrontations with my students, I would just go stand next to them. 

Like say I was teaching or we were supposed to be doing something and they were off task.  

I didn't say, gosh Brittany, why don't you do your work?  

I mean, that's not relationship building.  

I think there's so much with teaching and just good business acumen, all that type of stuff. 

It's just about building a good relationship with someone and then going next to them and just kind of reminding them,  Hey, I'm here and this is kind of what we're supposed to be focused on. 

And sometimes they just need that, like you said that just redirection of oh yeah, let me get focused here, let me get curious again. 

And it makes all the difference in the world. 

So yeah. 



Took people back, all the way back. 

Before we let you go, Laurie-Ann, is there anything else you want to make sure you share? 

I wanna share with everybody a speaking tip. Okay.

And that is, this one's for in person and you should do this even if you're speaking virtually. 

One is to always show up early. 

But if you're speaking in person, get there early so that you can say hello to people as they're coming in. 

Whether it's they're coming into your room, they're coming, they're arriving at the meeting, whether it's a dinner meeting, a breakfast meeting. 

Just get there early to say, Hi, I'm Laurie Ann,  I'm really glad that you're here. 

Because they'll be,  Oh you're the speaker today. 

It's  yeah,  I can just ask, what compelled you to show up today?

You get to ask people questions and then you can spontaneously inject it into your presentation.  

Oh I was talking to Brittany before the presentation this morning and she mentioned X, Y, Z, now I'm calling you out. 

But I get to make you feel important too. Yeah.

 And you become part of the presentation.

I love that. 

And that actually made me think of, I'm like beaming over here because my favorite Pure Barre teacher, I always made sure I got there early cuz she would always come over just like this, like ray of sunshine. 

She would come over just like hang out with you, give you a hug, say hi, ask how your day is going.

Tell you she was so glad that you showed up and then she just bopped around the room. 

It was the nicest thing ever. 

And even that, as we're talking about speaking opportunities that we don't really think of, she was teaching her class, she was speaking at us for an hour. 

Yes, that's speaking. 


There's so many different forms of speaking that I know I didn't even like touch, I didn't even scratch the surface. 

But hey, if you're speaking to one or many, you're a speaker. 

That's so good. 


Where else can people connect with you so we can learn more about all these speaking things? 

Well, they can definitely find me over on this LinkedIn live show called Contagious Leadership. So you can find me on LinkedIn. 

My website is

And also I'm, I do a lot of  stuff over on Instagram and that's

So I would love to  if you have any questions, I am an open book, feel free to DM me right over on either LinkedIn or, or Instagram.  

I love to help people really start leveraging the opportunities because speaking is the fastest way to grow your business.

I love it. 

Will you pitch your podcast again one more time? 

Cuz I know we talked about it at the beginning, but- 

Yes, the name of the podcast is Be In Demand. 

I love it. And we'll make sure to link all of those things. Yes. 

And the SEO for  just like Laurie Murabito podcast, it’ll come right up. I love it. I Love it. 

Well, thank you so, so much. 


This was a lot of fun. 


Yeah, thank you. 

B, thanks for always finding these interesting people that know so much and can teach us, like give us this,  a quick bachelor's degree and what we need to know, to totally start with. 

I love that! Quick Bachelor's degree, honorary degrees and all of these subjects. 

Yes, that's exactly what we did today. 

I love it. 

Well, thank you. 

Awesome. All right guys. Thanks for listening. 

We'll see you next time and have a great day!

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