The Simple and Smart SEO Show

Real World SEO Strategy For Entrepreneurs With Dolly DeLong

Crystal Waddell / Dolly DeLong Season 3 Episode 142

Dolly DeLong joins me to explore the real-world application of SEO for entrepreneurs and talk about the upcoming SEO Audio Summit.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Introduction to Dolly DeLong:
    • Dolly DeLong introduces her dual roles as a Middle Tennessee family photographer and a systems and workflow educator.
    • She shares her experience of separating her photography and education businesses to better serve her audience and improve website clarity.
  2. The Importance of SEO:
    • Dolly emphasizes the critical role of SEO in building a sustainable business, contrasting it with the fleeting nature of social media trends.
    • Crystal and Dolly discuss the challenges and rewards of focusing on long-term SEO strategies versus short-term social media tactics.
  3. Real-World SEO Challenges:
    • Dolly shares her ongoing project of optimizing two separate business websites and the importance of clear messaging for different target audiences.
    • Crystal highlights the common misconception that simply having a website equates to good SEO, emphasizing the need for continuous optimization.
  4. Introduction to the SEO Audio Summit:
    • Dolly introduces the free SEO Audio Summit, which features short, actionable tips from over 23 SEO experts.
    • The summit is designed to provide entrepreneurs with easy-to-implement strategies that can significantly impact their online presence.
  5. SEO Bundle Details:
    • Dolly shares details about the upcoming SEO bundle, which includes over $2,500 worth of resources for just $97 during the initial launch period.
    • The bundle is designed for business owners who are ready to take their SEO to the next level, offering tools and strategies that can be implemented over time.

Listener Action Items:

  • Sign up for the free SEO Audio Summit, starting on August 13th.
  • Explore the SEO bundle, available for purchase starting August 19th, with early access for those on the waitlist.

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[00:00:00] Dolly DeLong: I'm in the middle of optimizing the two sides of my business. It used to be under one roof. Of Dolly DeLong photography. And Dolly DeLong education. 

[00:00:10] But what was happening was a lot of my family photography clients were coming to my website. And then bouncing off. 

[00:00:16] Because they thought, I don't know what a workflow is.

[00:00:18] I don't need workflow education. I just need a photographer. 

[00:00:21] Or a systems person would come on and say, I don't need photos. I just need some workflow education. So there was a lot of confusion.

[00:00:29] Crystal Waddell: Welcome to the third season of the Simple and Smart SEO Show. The podcast dedicated to empathy driven, brand building SEO. I'm your host, Crystal Waddell. I leverage my obsession with user experience to help business owners just like you optimize your website with confidence. 

[00:00:44] Thank you so much for being here.

[00:00:46] Let's jump into another great episode.

Introduction and Guest Welcome

[00:00:48] Crystal Waddell: Welcome back to the Simple and Smart SEO show podcast. 

[00:00:51] I am your host, Crystal Waddell. And I am here with a sweet friend, Dolly DeLong. 

[00:00:56] Who is also like organizer extraordinaire. 

[00:00:59] She has put together the most amazing SEO bundle

[00:01:03] And we're going to talk about that today. 

[00:01:04] And what that means for you, dear listener. 

[00:01:07] But Dolly, welcome back. 

[00:01:09] Dolly DeLong: Thank you so much for having me, Crystal. 

[00:01:11] Crystal Waddell: where did you get your nickname? Dolly? 

[00:01:14] Dolly DeLong: I think I shared this with you, but my mom is from India. And so in India, everybody has a nickname. Like everybody. Like all of my cousins. I have a cousin named lovely.

[00:01:26] That's not her real name. That's her nickname. I have a cousin named pinky. That's not her real name. That's her nickname. 

[00:01:32] So when I was born, my mom decided to name me dolly because one, she literally thought I looked like a little doll. 

[00:01:38] And it's a very Indian nickname. And That's where Dolly came and I'm Diana.

[00:01:42] Oh my gosh, 

[00:01:44] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, so I would never like Diana's a beautiful name as well. 

[00:01:47] But you definitely have a Dolly love about you, so 

[00:01:51] Dolly DeLong: more Dolly than Diana. So 

[00:01:53] Crystal Waddell: You are such a doll of a person. It's like the perfect name. You know what I mean? Like how we were talking about names and Asher means blessed and happy. It's that's such a great name for him. 

[00:02:02] And that's his middle name. It's not even his first name and we call him Asher.

[00:02:06] I was telling you earlier, I'm just so impressed by your organization skills. 

[00:02:10] Dolly DeLong: Thank you so much. I just do it.

[00:02:12] Because like you, I'm a mom and I just know that I have very limited time to work. 

[00:02:18] And I want to stay on top of things. So yeah, that's my motivator. 

[00:02:23] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. And you're not just a mom, you're also a owner of two businesses, correct? 

Meet Dolly DeLong: Photographer and Systems Educator

[00:02:28] Crystal Waddell: Dolly, why don't you introduce yourself and tell us like who you are and what you do.

[00:02:32] Dolly DeLong: Yeah, definitely. Okay. So hi everyone. My name is Dolly DeLong. And I have two businesses like Crystal was sharing. I am a middle Tennessee family photographer, so that's my serviced based business. 

[00:02:44] And then my second business is I am a systems and workflow educator for other business owners. 

[00:02:50] What that means is I like to simplify systems, workflows, and SOPs. 

[00:02:56] And how they impact not only the back end of your business, but how they could potentially impact your launches. 

[00:03:02] Cause I help business owners as a launch strategist. And I am a podcast host of the systems and workflow magic podcast. And I just love all things systems and workflow.

Balancing Motherhood and Business

[00:03:12] Dolly DeLong: So yeah, those are my two roles, but I am a wife and I am also a boy mom. So those are the most important roles right there. 

[00:03:19] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. And we were just talking about how, as a boy, mom, you're getting ready to send your first little boy off to kindergarten. So I was checking in with you to see how you're doing.

[00:03:27] Dolly DeLong: It'll probably hit me in like a few weeks and I'll just randomly start crying. So yeah, definitely check in with me in a few 

[00:03:33] Crystal Waddell: weeks. Okay. 

[00:03:34] After the bundle, how are you doing? Actually, after that, it's probably going to be like all the stress of everything's going to hit, but you've been awesome.

[00:03:41] I Being a contributor of this bundle has just been a really great experience. 

[00:03:46] Because not only, are you a systems educator, but to be able to see like your systems in action. Has been so beneficial, because for me, sometimes like to hear about like how systems work, I'm like, Okay, I think I get it.

[00:03:58] But then when I see it , I'm like Oh, that's how you do it. 

[00:04:01] Dolly DeLong: Yeah. It's been really fun. Putting together this bundle. 

The Magic of Systems and Workflows

[00:04:05] Dolly DeLong: Just to let everyone know the reason why I am leading this specific bundle; this is my fifth time leading the systems and workflow magic bundle.

[00:04:13] That's what I have called it because. Systems and workflows can be magical, everyone. And you can apply it to the back end of your business. 

[00:04:20] But I like to lead this type of bundle every year. 

[00:04:23] And invite contributors to come and contribute resources or templates or mini courses, all centered around teaching one type of system. Instead of a modge podge of things.

[00:04:35] One year I led a bundle about digital funnels. One year I led a bundle about email marketing. One year I led a bundle about launching. And so this year I thought, I know this is not the sexiest topic. 

[00:04:45] But it's an essential topic. And it's 

The Importance of SEO for Small Businesses

[00:04:48] Dolly DeLong: All about how to have good SEO. 

[00:04:49] Or how to develop a system and workflow and a good foundation for SEO as a small business owner.

[00:04:55] And so, the genesis of it really began in March of 2024 earlier this year. And I just thought I'm going to go for it. I don't know. 

[00:05:02] How it's going to stick with business owners. 

[00:05:04] Because it's not like a shiny flash in the pan. Oh, here's the newest Tik Tok strategy. 

[00:05:10] Or here is a new, like trending real.

[00:05:12] And this is like long term strategies that will hopefully help business owners have a better 2025 and beyond. 

[00:05:19] I'm trying to be more forward thinking for business owners with this bundle. 

[00:05:22] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, I think that's a really great idea. I was just speaking with a business owner about how she took some time off of social media for about six months.

[00:05:30] And actually she's still off of social media. She's not using Instagram. She's not using Facebook. 

[00:05:35] Her business is flourishing. She started a podcast and she's really into like local SEO. And, through the small group that I have, it's called the SEO squad. 

[00:05:44] We are talking about. SEO strategies every week, which I find fascinating, obviously.

Shifting Focus from Social Media to SEO

[00:05:49] Crystal Waddell: But I've come to realize, SEO, you have to have a mindset shift. 

[00:05:53] A marketing mindset shift when it comes to SEO, because a lot of people start with social media and social media is such a dopamine hit. 

[00:06:00] And it's so fast acting or, jumping on trends and that type of thing.

[00:06:04] And SEO is more foundational. It may not be As fun, initially. 

[00:06:10] But I find it so effective. It ends up being more fun on the backside when you get to see the results. 

[00:06:15] Dolly DeLong: Yes, it's very true. It's ironic that you brought up that you just spoke with a business owner who hasn't been on social media for six months. 

[00:06:21] Because I'm sure if my husband were to listen to me, say this out loud, I am at a point where.

[00:06:27] I don't want to give up on social media, but I just, I need a break from it. It's just it's so overwhelming. 

[00:06:32] I don't know if it's because of where our like state is, like where our world is, world events is so draining. 

[00:06:39] The fun has been taken out of it. And so I have been focusing a lot more on SEO lately.

[00:06:45] Ironically, because of this bundle and also because I'm like, I really need to dig into being a searchable term for both sides of my business. 

[00:06:52] And it's been fun seeing the results of that. And so it's giving me a little bit more confidence that I can step away from social media if I needed to.

[00:07:01] Crystal Waddell: Absolutely. 

Challenges and Rewards of Website Optimization

[00:07:02] Crystal Waddell: And oh, my gosh, I was presenting at a photographer's conference a couple weeks ago. 

[00:07:06] And one of the women, she said one of the hardest things about really starting on your website and focusing on your website is because when you're learning, there's so much hope. 

[00:07:15] But when you start to put things into practice, now you're putting yourself out there and With the potential of failure.

[00:07:21] And when she said that, my heart just went out to her because I thought, Oh my gosh, you're so right.

[00:07:25] But guess what? The faster you fail, the faster you're going to succeed. And we all are in it. 

[00:07:30] The same boat, the people who, Really do focus on their website and learn what works and what doesn't They're the ones who are going to pull ahead from the rest of everybody else, 

[00:07:41] And I feel like social media falls in That space of not necessarily moving forward like staying where it's safe because when you do your website you're going out on your own. 

[00:07:50] Like it's about you and your product and your business.

[00:07:53] It's not about trends. It's not about like, What's popping on Instagram. It's about your business and how you can make a difference and serve your clients. 

[00:08:01] Dolly DeLong: I 100 percent agree. And it's hard to do that for a lot of small business owners. 

[00:08:07] And this is why I want to talk more about SEO.

[00:08:11] I just want to be clear with everyone. I'm not an SEO expert by any stretch of the matter. So that's why I invited specific SEO experts like yourself. 

[00:08:21] There's over 23 different contributors who teach specifically on SEO and different facets of it. And I'm really excited about just like how this bundle will serve business owners in tremendous ways.

[00:08:35] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. And one thing I think is so important that people understand, they've probably heard me say this before. 

[00:08:40] But so many business owners think, okay, if I get a website, whatever it comes with is what you later learn is called search engine optimization. 

[00:08:48] And in fact, what you're getting is an empty space in a strip mall.

[00:08:53] dollys son: Yeah. 

[00:08:53] Crystal Waddell: You've got an address, but it's up to you to decorate the walls, to, call the phone company. Get all that stuff taken care of, have office, supplies. 

[00:09:01] All that stuff you've got to create your space. And that's what this bundle is going to help people do. 

[00:09:07] Dolly DeLong: I like that.

[00:09:07] I like that analogy a lot. That's a good analogy. And it's just like up to the business owner. It's their responsibility to create their own game plan. I tried to organize it in such a way to where it had like a roadmap they can start off with.

[00:09:24] And I tried to organize it in two different ways for. Potential buyers, but yeah, ultimately it's up to the business center, how they're going to take action. 

[00:09:33] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. Somebody once called it like a choose your own adventure situation. 

[00:09:37] And another business that are, again, the one that I was speaking with this morning. 

[00:09:40] She said that just the business of optimizing your website is just never done. 

[00:09:43] You can get a website and you're like, Hey, I love my website. It's so great. 

[00:09:46] But the fact is you're always going to be updating information online or you should be. And that process of updating your website is optimization.

[00:09:54] And so that's how simple it can be. 

[00:09:56] Dolly DeLong: Yes, I agree. I will share with the listeners. 

Splitting Business Brands for Clarity

[00:09:59] Dolly DeLong: I'm in the middle of optimizing the two sides of my business. It used to be under one roof. Of Dolly DeLong photography and Dolly DeLong education. 

[00:10:09] But what was happening was a lot of my family photography clients were coming to my website. And then bouncing off. 

[00:10:15] Because they thought, Oh, I don't need, I don't know what a workflow is.

[00:10:19] I don't need workflow education. I just need a photographer. 

[00:10:22] Or a systems person would come on and say, I don't need photos. I just need some workflow education. So there was a lot of confusion. 

[00:10:29] And I finally did that, did the test of giving my, What's it called? Website over to a loved one's eyes. To see if they would be confused and they were confused.

[00:10:38] They were like, I don't know what's happening. There's a lot going on here. So I have separated both of my brands. To be, two different websites. 

[00:10:46] And now they, I, and I'm in the process of optimizing both as I separate them. 

[00:10:51] And it's more clear, there's more clarity. There's definite traffic that like, That they are there for that purpose. And not the purpose of confusion.

[00:11:00] They're like, Oh, I know this is a family photography website. 

[00:11:03] Oh, I know this is a launch integrator, website systems, expert's websites. 

[00:11:08] So that has been my 2024 big project. And it's, it is a constant project of optimization. 

[00:11:16] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. And that's such a great revelation. Cause I think a lot of us go through that when we get to a point where the first business we have leads to a second opportunity 

[00:11:24] dollys son: and 

[00:11:24] Crystal Waddell: we want to stay underneath the umbrella because we've already did all this work for the first one.

[00:11:28] I've consulted with several business owners. I've had to break the bad news that in fact, you do have to split off your brands. 

[00:11:34] And I'm in the process of doing the same thing. I have an e commerce store, which is collage and wood.

[00:11:39] CW, but, and then I also have a personal website, crystalwaddell.Com. 

[00:11:44] And so when we first started the podcast, I was like, okay, I'll move all the podcast stuff to crystalwaddell.Com. 

[00:11:48] But then when I took over the podcast completely, it started to get a little confusing between crystalwaddell.Com. And Simple and Smart SEO dot. com

[00:11:56] com. 

[00:11:56] So I had to take my own advice. And now I'm also separating those brands where crystalwaddell.Com is my speaking website. And then simple and smart SEO dot com is all things SEO. 

[00:12:07] Dolly DeLong: Gotcha. Gotcha. Wow. I'm glad you're like also in it. So you know exactly what I'm going through.

[00:12:13] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. SEO is all about sharing what you want to be known for. for. 

[00:12:17] Being known for something specific is so important. 

[00:12:17] Because we have to remember when known for something specific is so important. 

[00:12:20] Because we have to remember when we're, we're creating stuff for the internet, that the search engine only understands what we tell it. 

[00:12:28] And so a lot of times, we know our businesses so well, we understand what we do. We think other people understand what we do. 

[00:12:35] But unfortunately people don't. If you don't tell them. And search engines definitely can't understand if you don't tell them. 

[00:12:41] SEO is really just about getting clear on your offers.

SEO First Aid Kit and Contributions

[00:12:44] Crystal Waddell: And I'm just so excited to be a part of it. 

[00:12:46] because the thing that I contributed to the bundle was something I call the sEO first aid kit. I don't know. 

[00:12:53] Dolly DeLong: First aid kit. I was like, cause I've been like looking at everybody's contributions. So yeah, it's the SEO first aid kit.

[00:12:58] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. And it was a great reminder that I'd even made it. I'm going to drop it for my SEO squad members as well, because it's the first three steps that I take everyone through. 

[00:13:07] And it's just so important that you have a foundation of, okay, where am I at? What do I want to be known for? And how can I measure it?

[00:13:14] That's the hardest part. And it really is. Because I don't know how many times I've asked people, okay, what do you want to be known for? 

[00:13:21] And it's, I want to be known for this. Oh yeah. And then also this, and then also this. 

[00:13:26] And the truth is you can be known for all of those things. But you have to build out the structure and that you are a knowledgeable expert in one before you move to the other. 

[00:13:36] Dolly DeLong: That's so true. And that's so hard for people because we, we, everybody preaches on this, but we truly do live in an instant gratification society. 

[00:13:45] Not just like the country. I'm talking about. Humanity in general, when we want something now. 

[00:13:51] And it's so hard to explain to a newer business owner.

[00:13:55] Okay. What you were saying, if you want to be known for something, okay. Lay a good foundation. One of those good foundations is SEO. And then that's going to take time. It may take six, nine, 12 months. To be searchable for certain keywords and key terms. 

[00:14:08] But it's worth it in the long run. Versus, oh, if you just do this trending audio. 

[00:14:14] It'll attract a lot of people to you right now, who would want it to do you want to do the six to nine month work or do you want to do the trending audio work that will maybe bring in ... you might go viral. 

[00:14:25] And so a lot of people lean more towards the virality. The hope. Versus okay.

[00:14:30] I'm just gonna start doing the work now.

[00:14:32] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. I totally get what you're saying. But, the dark side of social media, what people don't realize. Is that the algorithms, number one are constantly changing. 

[00:14:40] Number two. The posts that are visible by your follower count. Are only visible at first to like three to 5 percent of the total people who follow you.

[00:14:51] And then, if anyone within that three to 5 percent actually interacts and engages with that post. 

[00:14:57] Only then will it be sent out into the greater algorithm for other people to pick up. 

[00:15:02] If you have a hundred followers, that means that three to five of that hundred might actually see your posts.

[00:15:08] And if three to five people do not actually, Immediately heart it, leave a comment, whatever. It goes into oblivion for the most part, and we'll disappear within 24 to 36 hours. 

[00:15:18] And so when we think about all the work that you would put into a reel or trending audio or whatever. 

[00:15:23] Just to have it disappear that quickly, it's a hard thing to confront. 

[00:15:27] But would I rather, spend that same amount of time creating something for my website?

[00:15:32] That's going to live on for months and months. Or. 

[00:15:34] Just hope that it does something within 24 hours. 

[00:15:37] I didn't want to play that game anymore. And so that's why I'm so glad that, SEO found me. A few years ago on clubhouse. 

[00:15:43] Dolly DeLong: I love it. Oh, clubhouse. I completely forgot about clubhouse.

[00:15:47] Crystal Waddell: Wow. Yeah. That's when I was like, wait a second, you mean I don't have to use Instagram to promote my business? Like people can actually come directly to my website. 

[00:15:55] I thought Instagram any social media channel was like an intermediary, in a way. 

[00:16:00] Like the only way people would find out about my website is if they were on Instagram or if they're on Facebook, if they're on Tik TOK, I didn't realize like they could just go straight to my website.

[00:16:08] Dolly DeLong: Yeah. They can go to Google and search for key terms and you will pop up. 

[00:16:12] Crystal Waddell: So I'm curious... you've had a chance to look over some of the contributions and stuff to the bundle Anything that you could share with us without giving too much away?

[00:16:19] Dolly DeLong: Yeah, definitely. 

Image Optimization and SEO Strategies

[00:16:20] Dolly DeLong: So from, so I am putting on my photographer hat when I answer this question. 

[00:16:25] But by Gleneth Reed, there is an image optimization workshop. 

[00:16:30] It's like a workshop slash. Resource slash mini, like it's very robust. And so I have been going through that. 

[00:16:38] And I've realized as a photographer in the past, before I knew a lot about SEO. 

[00:16:43] There's so many images on my photography side of my website. 

[00:16:46] Like big images that are slowing down my website.

[00:16:49] And I didn't realize site speed impacts SEO. 

[00:16:53] In the beginning, I didn't realize, Oh, if I didn't name my images, like that impacts SEO as well. So I'm going through this workshop and I am trying to optimize my new images. 

[00:17:06] And then go through and have some sort of workflow and plan. For optimizing past blogs and past images that are on my website.

[00:17:14] And that is going to be a slow work in progress.

[00:17:17] Because I have been a full time photographer since 2018. Years and years of images and blogs. And I just, I know I can't do it all overnight. 

[00:17:28] So I'm just going to dedicate once a week. Just like working on optimizing the images on my website.

[00:17:33] So I did not realize how much images have an impact on your SEO. 

[00:17:39] Crystal Waddell: Oh, yeah. And when you put in a search or like a query into the Google search bar and the results pop up. 

[00:17:45] A lot of people think of SEO and they think of what pops up on that page, right? The thing with images is you can also show up in the image search.

[00:17:54] And so when you've optimized your images on your website, now you have yet another way of showing up for people in search results. 

[00:18:01] So it's a really great way to be strategic. Especially if you're competing against bigger companies.

[00:18:06] Maybe you can't get in the top three right away because you're going to have to do some work on your website or whatever. But guess what?

[00:18:13] If they haven't optimized their images, which I guarantee you, there's lots of big companies that have not done these little things either . 

[00:18:19] You can find your way into the top search results by optimizing for those keywords that you want to win through your image optimizations. 

[00:18:26] Dolly DeLong: I love that. That's really encouraging to hear that.

[00:18:29] You can still be the tiny fish and be sought after even in a big pond. 

[00:18:35] I am also really excited about learning more about how to optimize my blogs. There's one or two resources that really hit up the importance of keyword research and how to blog with SEO in mind, not just like blog for blogging sake. 

[00:18:51] And Oh, another one that I'm excited about is how to optimize your Google business profile. 

[00:18:57] Crystal Waddell: Ooh, yeah. 

Google Business Profile Cleanup

[00:18:58] Dolly DeLong: I am so excited about that. I've already gone through my Google business profile and done a cleanup based on what I've been learning and Wow.

[00:19:08] You all.

[00:19:09] There's just so much missed opportunity that a lot of business owners are neglecting that are free tools. And, something that I just have to get on a mini soap box. This is not my ultimate soap box, but this is a mini soap box. 

[00:19:22] I realized in the last month of studying more about SEO, especially with Google business, you all Google is.

[00:19:29] Absolutely free. 

The Importance of Accurate Business Information

[00:19:30] Dolly DeLong: Like they're providing you with these tools and people who don't people, meaning business owners. 

[00:19:35] Who either have a Google business profile set up or don't, they're missing out on a great opportunity to truly be found locally. 

[00:19:43] Now it drives me insane when I look up a business and their hours don't reflect well on the Google business profile.

[00:19:51] Cause I've gone to several businesses this summer thinking, Oh, it's going to be open. And they're not. Because there is a disconnect. 

[00:19:57] And it puts a really bad taste. And so of course they want to leave either a bad review. 

[00:20:02] Or they are going to use something else. And so I have been thinking a lot lately, I'm like, this is a golden opportunity for business owners to truly lean into a tool that Google has created. 

[00:20:15] And it will reward you like with great SEO over time.

[00:20:19] And I'm just like people, this is free. This is absolutely free. 

[00:20:22] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, for sure. And Keshia Taylor, who I was talking to about Google business profiles. 

[00:20:26] She mentioned that as well. Just that importance of making sure that your address, even if it says road, R O A D on Google maps or R D on your website, those are little tiny things that should be corrected. 

[00:20:40] And that you should always go with whatever Google has. Say, on Google Maps. 

[00:20:44] But making sure your hours are updated that your address is updated. That the phone number is updated. Because all of those things are very easily fixed, but also can. Easily erode trust of a potential client. And that's part of what Google calls. 

Trust and First Impressions

[00:20:58] Crystal Waddell: It's E E A T, like experience authority expertise and trust.

[00:21:04] That's all out of order, but but those are the elements of it. And I think a lot of times people think trust is one thing, but ultimately it comes down to. Are you doing what you say you're going to do? Or are you who you say you are? And having your hours? Incorrect. That's that erodes that trust. 

[00:21:22] Dolly DeLong: That's so true.

[00:21:23] This is a really again I crystal i'm the worst with analogies, but I this is who I am. I am who I am. 

[00:21:30] Crystal Waddell: I love analogies. 

Personal Analogies and Business Lessons

[00:21:31] Dolly DeLong: but my husband and I like I mentioned earlier like we have two boys. Our oldest is about to enter kindergarten. 

[00:21:37] And we are telling him like, it's, I'm sure a listener will be like, that sounds weird, but we really want him to have.

[00:21:44] A good first leave of really good first impression with his teacher and like with his classmates. And to be kind. So we are always stressing to him make sure when you enter a room, don't just like at first, just be crazy. Jump off the walls and go everywhere. Cause then you're going to be labeled like, Oh, that's the crazy kid. 

[00:22:01] And he laughs about that. But we're like, it's really good to have a good first impression and to leave a good. Taste in somebody's mouth. 

[00:22:10] That's the best way to describe it. That is how I relate it to a Google business profile. That's your first impression sometimes, when you're Googling somebody's business.

[00:22:19] And if it has one thing that's off that could like, I don't know, that could make you think, I don't know if I want to, it causes uncertainty in the back of your mind.

[00:22:30] And then you tend to look for another solution. 

[00:22:33] I'm sure there's somebody who's going to be like, so you're saying to just be fake all the time, no, I'm not saying that. 

Easy Wins with Google Business Profile

[00:22:38] Crystal Waddell: What you're saying is put your best foot forward.

[00:22:39] And a lot of people say, Oh, there's just so much to do. I can't do all of that. 

[00:22:43] And so this prevailing theory is just to do nothing. 

[00:22:47] But the fact is there are some things that you can do that take little effort. And Google business profile is one of them.

[00:22:54] It tells you exactly where to put your information, all that type of stuff. You can easily go there and update it. And even if you updated it, once a year, twice a year. 

[00:23:02] If you haven't been doing that or you've never set it up or whatever, look how much you're winning just by doing that.

[00:23:08] Dolly DeLong: Exactly. Exactly. 

[00:23:10] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, I want to tell you, I'm also convicted though, because when I first started using Google business profile, of course, I didn't know what I was doing. 

Updating Products and Services

[00:23:15] Crystal Waddell: Like products. You can post your products. If you're in business over time, your products probably change, and the prices probably change.

[00:23:22] So this is a reminder to myself and anyone else listening that if you've got products or services listed. 

[00:23:27] Also go back and double check those because that is another trust eroder. 

[00:23:32] Where it's like, Oh, I thought I could get this for 20 bucks. And now it's 60, 

[00:23:35] Dolly DeLong: That's really good. I didn't even realize that. I don't think I put prices in.

[00:23:39] And now I want to. Go back and check, double check just in case. 

[00:23:42] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, because menus change, services change, products change. 

[00:23:46] Businesses evolve just like everything else over the years. So it's really important. That's the, Oh, and optimization. That is going back. I 

[00:23:52] Dolly DeLong: love that. Yeah, that's very true.

[00:23:54] I have gone back and optimized my Google business profile cause I used to do. Weddings and engagements. And now I just focus on families. 

[00:24:05] And so I've had to do a purge of all of the engagement and wedding photos that used to be on that profile. 

[00:24:11] So now it just reflects family photography.

[00:24:13] So even the visuals need to be up. 

[00:24:16] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, you're absolutely right. 

Introduction to Wix Studio

[00:24:17] Crystal Waddell: Okay, before we shift into talking about websites, I need to share with everybody about Wix Studio.

[00:24:23] So digital marketers, this one's for you. I've got 30 seconds to tell you about Wix studio, the web platform for agencies and enterprises.

[00:24:29] So here are a few things you can do in 30 seconds or less when you manage projects on Wix studio. You can work in sync with your team on one canvas, reuse templates, widgets, and sections across sites. Create a client kit for seamless handovers and leverage best in class SEO defaults across All your Wix sites.

[00:24:46] Time's up, but the list keeps going. So step into Wix studio to see more. 

[00:24:51] All right. 

[00:24:51] I actually just got approved as a Wix partner. Congratulations. Thank you. 

[00:24:55] So I'm now a Wix partner and a Shopify partner. 

SEO Tools and Platforms

[00:24:58] Crystal Waddell: Which means that I can access the back end of people's websites. 

[00:25:01] That's the other great thing about SEO now. 

[00:25:04] Before it's almost like you had to be like in some dark room in a remote place and nobody knew you were even there, tapping on a green screen computer working on websites. 

[00:25:13] But no, like Shopify, Wix, WordPress, even, they have all of these tools in the back end that say, Hey, This is the SEO section.

[00:25:22] Dolly DeLong: Yes. They make it very easy. I use, I personally use Showit.

[00:25:26] But I know like I've heard Squarespace has amazing SEO capability, Wix. I've heard of that too, WordPress. And the great thing is like anybody can Google Hey, how to set up SEO on whatever platform you use. There are tutorial videos on that on YouTube through Google.

[00:25:44] Yeah I just love how easy websites are now to optimize. 

[00:25:49] Crystal Waddell: So I know a lot of the business owners that come into my small group they've heard about SEO. 

[00:25:53] But they still feel like, okay, I need somebody to help me out here. And reassure me that I'm not going to break it, but.

[00:25:59] Yeah, it's really hard to break the website, the way that we think we can, and we're giving ourselves just a little bit too much credit, in that respect. 

[00:26:06] Because for instance, Shopify, the only way for the most part that you're going to break a Shopify website is if you don't copy the theme first. 

[00:26:14] You have all of the, flexibility in the world to make any mistake if you copy your theme and then make changes to the new theme.

[00:26:22] And if those changes completely bomb everything, guess what? You have a backup copy. 

[00:26:26] So I just want to encourage anybody listening right now, like just whichever CMS, whichever content management system you use, find out how you can make a copy of your current situation, your current website. 

[00:26:37] So that you have some room to play and learn where you're not going to damage anything.

[00:26:41] Dolly DeLong: That's really, that's good advice right there. And most. website platforms, they have really good customer support too. Like again, I mentioned shout out to show it. 

[00:26:50] Like every time I'm in the back end of show it, there's always a little pop up at the bottom. I'm like seeing it in my mind, the bottom right hand corner that says, do you have any questions?

[00:26:58] And customer support is always there and they always answer within minutes. Or If for some reason, like within the hour. At the latest. 

[00:27:07] And and I've messed things up several times on my website. Like I had a redirect form redirect itself. So it created a really weird, like loop. And so somebody helped me.

[00:27:18] And but. Yeah that's a good reminder. Like their customer support is great on all websites. 

[00:27:24] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. Okay. I know we have to go here really soon. When this podcast drops today will be the

[00:27:29] Dolly DeLong: the 14th. 

[00:27:30] Crystal Waddell: The 14th. Yes. But does the audio summit start on the 14th?

[00:27:33] Dolly DeLong: The audio summit starts on the 13th. 

[00:27:35] And then the bundle opens the 19th. 

[00:27:38] Crystal Waddell: Okay. 

SEO Audio Summit Announcement

[00:27:38] Crystal Waddell: This podcast will drop on day two of the free audio summit that you have. 

[00:27:43] I was hoping maybe you could share what that is. 

[00:27:45] Dolly DeLong: Yeah, definitely. So I know that we've been teasing out a lot about this systems and workflow magic SEO bundle.

[00:27:51] And yes, all of these resources, it is one set price to pay to access it. So I'm sure there's a listener like what if I want an appetizer before I actually purchase the bundle

[00:28:02] I had all of the contributors send in a juicy three to five minute clip on the topic of SEO. 

[00:28:10] Like literally every contributor gives an amazing, transformative SEO tip. 

[00:28:16] I've listened to them, and I have taken these steps. 

[00:28:19] Dolly DeLong: So I know that these are juicy and these would be something that you would have to pay for.

[00:28:23] So we have compiled it into an audio summit

[00:28:27] So that you can listen to it on the go. It starts officially August the 13th. So the episode one drops. And then there are four episodes total. So four days, of SEO, like knowledge. 

[00:28:39] To apply to the back end of your business. And I made sure that each episode is not longer than 40.

[00:28:45] I know 40 minutes sounds like a long time. But there's just so much information that I compiled from every contributor. And it ended up being four days. 

[00:28:54] So that, I'm calling it the SEO audio summit because it's in audio form. And it's free education. 

[00:29:01] And you can listen on the go. You don't have to sit in front of your computer and watch somebody speak. 

[00:29:06] So if you are driving, if you are grocery shopping, if you're working out. 

[00:29:09] Whatever. If you're sitting in a dark room by yourself, I don't know. 

[00:29:13] You can listen and It is only available until the end of August, 2024. 

[00:29:18] Cause I want people to take action. Yes, it's free. But it is at a very limited time until August 31st of this year. 

[00:29:28] Because I want listeners to take action and not put off SEO. 

[00:29:32] Crystal Waddell: Okay, so that's awesome. I'm going to link in the show notes to the free audio summit. I can't wait to listen to it.

[00:29:37] I can't even remember what I contributed now, but I'm so excited to hear it because it'll be like hearing it for the first time. 

[00:29:41] Dolly DeLong: It's all really good. And my husband actually edited the entire podcast for me. I'm calling it a private podcast. 

[00:29:50] I know it's an audio summit, but he even learned a lot. And he was like, there's a lot of people from around the world.

[00:29:55] And he was like, Where is this speaker from? 

[00:29:57] I have two speakers from Australia. And he was like trying to figure out where they're from. It was really funny. 

[00:30:02] But we have speakers from all over the world. And they're all SEO experts. And everyone had incredible tips to share.

[00:30:11] Like you want to pause it and then do implement and then continue to listen. It's so good. 

[00:30:16] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, I love that. And then those quick wins. 

[00:30:18] People start to understand like how powerful it can really be for your business. 

[00:30:22] You're probably going to want more. 

[00:30:24] So the audio summit's free. Available through the 31st. 

[00:30:27] When does the bundle actually go on sale? 

[00:30:30] Dolly DeLong: The bundle opens up on august the 19th, but a little insider tip. 

[00:30:35] Is if you get on the waitlist now, I usually open up the waitlist before the 19th to people who are like we want in the bundle

[00:30:42] Because I if I know Crystal, you're going to link it in the show notes, but I make sure to be as transparent as possible with potential buyers.

[00:30:51] I'm like, this is everything that's included. There's over 2, 500 of resources within this bundle that are SEO related. 

[00:30:59] And I let everybody see everything. That's in the bundle. So if you want to take a peek, click on the show notes in Crystal's podcast. And check out what everybody's contributing. 

[00:31:10] Meet all the contributors. See who it's for, and just like peek around.

[00:31:15] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. And I guess I want to say thank you for including me in this bundle. 

[00:31:19] Dolly DeLong: You're SEO queen. 

[00:31:20] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. 

Final Thoughts and Bundle Details

[00:31:21] Crystal Waddell: I don't know about that. Business can be so lonely. 

[00:31:23] It can be very isolating, especially when you're building it primarily online. 

[00:31:28] Obviously there's going to be some brick and mortar store owners who are listening to this. And, local SEO and all these tips are going to be great for you as well.

[00:31:34] But one of the best things that I've. Come to find with bundles like this. 

[00:31:39] Being able to interact with other people. And being able to find new resources. 

[00:31:43] And people who talk the language. Because you're not going to be able to go to your neighbors most of the time and say, Hey, have you heard about this optimization strategy?

[00:31:51] Have you ever tried it? 

[00:31:52] They're going to look at you like you've got something growing out of your head, right?

[00:31:55] That's one of the greatest things. Even if you feel like you're not ready necessarily for the bundle yet. 

[00:32:00] I definitely want to encourage you to sign up for the summit, get all of that information and knowledge that you can for free.

[00:32:08] And you might even find some confidence there that you didn't know existed. 

[00:32:12] To go ahead and take your business to the next level with the bundle. 

[00:32:15] Dolly DeLong: Yeah. And I do want to say this, that the bundle is at, I had to do the math the other day. Because while I was writing out the landing page for it, it's 96 percent off.

[00:32:25] So it's, Like I said, all of the resources added up, these are actual paid resources within every SEO experts online shop resource list. And so I added it all up. 

[00:32:36] It's 2, 500 and it's being sold for 97 for the week of June. August 19th through the 24th and and then after that, it does go up in price until again, November 1st, but still 96 percent off.

[00:32:52] I think that's a great deal, especially just focusing in on SEO. 

[00:32:55] Obviously, like you and I are both experts on certain things. Like I am a launch strategist. I want people to hire me to work one on one as their launch strategist. But when I tell a beginning business owner like, Oh, you need to hire me to do launch strategy when they don't know anything about their business yet.

[00:33:11] Like I would want them to do a more DIY approach or like to figure out what works for them. With SEO, I wouldn't want a new business center to hire an SEO strategist right at the gate because they don't know what their keywords are. They don't know who they serve. They don't know what they want to do.

[00:33:27] And so this bundle is mostly for business owners who are starting out. Or who have been pushing off SEO. And now they're ready to do SEO. And it is for you to implement over time and to take action. 

[00:33:42] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. And I've been a part of one of your bundles before. I think it was after the first time you were on the podcast, I bought the workflows bundle.

[00:33:49] Dolly DeLong: Did you like it? Yeah. 

[00:33:50] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. And what I love about it is cause you, you get to explore at your own pace. 

[00:33:54] You get a pick and choose okay, what is most relevant to me now? And you get to hear these new perspectives and you get some resources and a lot of times you get something like a template or something that, really helps you move through it.

[00:34:06] You know what I mean? And so I love that. And I love the fact that, there's multiple people in there because some people are going to respond differently to different people. 

[00:34:14] And, you might not necessarily gel with everybody, but you're likely to find a couple of people who really speak your language.

[00:34:21] Or they're in your same industry or an adjacent industry. Those types of things really matter, especially with SEO. 

[00:34:26] Because e commerce advice can be different than maybe an online coaches advice or whatever. 

[00:34:32] And so it's so nice to be able to hear the different perspectives to compare them, but then also hear from somebody who understands the type of business that you're in.

[00:34:40] Dolly DeLong: That's really good. Yes. And it going piggybacking off of what you said earlier, Crystal, about being an online business center can feel very lonely. 

[00:34:49] Another reason why I love bundles is because it has helped me reach out and pitch to other contributors for different systems related bundles. 

[00:34:58] And the relationships I built through the years has been amazing.

[00:35:03] Like I, I feel like my business has, no, I don't feel, I know my business has grown. Not just because of the offers I've offered, but because of the relationships I've built over time and connections I've built. 

[00:35:18] And so I just love introducing my audience to new experts because it, and then in turn they grow. And it's so cool to see, I don't know, it's just so cool for me to see that growth.

[00:35:29] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, it's fun. It's like we're all playing on the same team in a way, it's like we all want each other to win. We want you to win. If you're listening right now, SEO has been one of those things that kind of has felt gate kept or there's a lot of gatekeeping going on over the last decade or so.

[00:35:43] And I just love that so many people are coming out and sharing their strategies. Because it's You know, instead of wondering what's right and what's wrong, you're going to get some expert advice on what you can do. So I just, I love that. Anytime that the information is freed to the people, I am all about that.

[00:35:59] Dolly DeLong: I love it. I love it. Thank you so much again for having me on Crystal. I really appreciate it. 

[00:36:04] Crystal Waddell: Yep. Thank you, Dolly. 

[00:36:05] And again, I will drop those links in the show notes. I will see you inside the bundle hopefully. And also the audio summit. So I'd love to hear what you think of, what I said.

[00:36:14] And if you have any feedback on the bundle you can always send me a text message. 

[00:36:18] There's a link in the show notes. So definitely hit that. And if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. 

[00:36:23] And yeah, Dolly, best of luck to you. Thanks again for letting me be a part of it. Thank you.

[00:36:29] Bye guys. I'll see you next time. 

[00:36:30] ​

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